COGNITIVE VISION research addresses a range of topics in computational vision and human visual perception at the interface of cognition, language, logic, and artificial intelligence. The main emphasis is on the integration of vision and artificial intelligence from the viewpoint of embodied visual and visuo-locomotive perception and interaction. This is driven by application areas where, for instance, the processing and semantic interpretation of (potentially large volumes of) highly dynamic visuo-spatial imagery is central:
The Special Track on Cognitive Vision is organised as part of the 30th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE, ).
Special track chair:
Mehul Bhatt
Human-Centred Cognitive Assistance Lab.
Department of Computer Science, University of Bremen, Germany.
We invite contributions to the Special Track on Cognitive Vision at the 30th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE, ).
Topics include (indicatinve list):
Submission Requirements. Contributions are solicited in English; papers may be up to 10 single-spaced pages. Short papers, up to 6 pages, may be submitted as short papers representing position statememts, research directions, or work in progress. Submissions should be made electronically, as indicated in the instructions on the conference web site (www).
All papers will be peer reviewed and final copies of papers for inclusion to the conference proceedings will be published in a bound volume by Springer-Verlag (formatting instructions are available at ) in their Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.
A journal special issue based on the most favourably reviewed contributions is under consideration.
Special Track Chair:
Program Committee (in progress):